
The Whisky Ambassadors’ Collection Charity Auction 2019

The Whisky Ambassadors’ Collection is full of rare and special whisky bottles donated by whisky companies in benefit of The BEN (the Scottish Drinks Industry Charity).

We are delighted to announce the results of The Whisky Ambassadors’ Collection Charity Auction 2019.

Whisky Ambassadors from across the world collaborated to generously donate one-of-one editions, single cask bottlings, rare whiskies and bottles signed by industry celebrities to raise awareness and funds for The BEN in Scotland.

The Whisky Ambassadors’ collection was full of rare and special whisky bottles donated by whisky companies.

The money raised was donated to The BEN (Benevolent Society Of The Licensed Trade Of Scotland, SC005604), a charity that supports people of all ages who have worked in the licensed trade. Its purpose is to prevent or relieve poverty amongst this group. Beneficiaries can receive annual financial assistance as well as discretionary grants for emergency situations by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. As well as financial support, the charity also operates the picturesque BEN Pitlochry Estate on the banks of the River Tay, consisting of 18 bungalows which are rented at subsidised rates for eligible residents.

The online auction was held in August 2019.